Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mango Pudding

Ahh, the year is almost over and Holiday season is in full swing. This means family gatherings, days off and most of all... FOOD!

My sister-in-law, Vania, has the best homemade mango pudding. In fact, until she told me that she had made it herself, I was convinced that mango pudding was one of those desserts that you could only buy in a store or have magically brought to you at the end of a Chinese meal.

I have yet to try this out myself, but here is the recipe:

Mango Pudding

500 mL whipping cream
4 pkg. gelatin
750 mL mango puree (Alphonso cans - can be found at Superstore, T&T or Indian food stores)
1.5 cup sugar
4.5 cup water

1) Boil 3 cups water and sugar and gelatin. Stir quick until dissolved

2) Add canned mango, and 1.5 cup cold water

3) Pour whipping cream until even

Update March 30, 2011: Jen went to make this and noted that Superstore will no longer be stocking the Alphonso mango pulp that you need to make this recipe.