Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thai Food: Mango sticky rice

Who says Men can't cook?
Again, another male colleague of mine, Will, said that he and his girlfriend took this cooking class when they were in Thailand. They made a few dishes and one of them was this (according to him) and easy one called Mango Sticky rice. He says it tastes pretty good, as you would have it in a restaurant. I've never had it ever so it would be a complete first for me.

I copied the recipe from him because I was suppose to go to a Thai-themed dinner party at my friend Ali's, but she had a cranky baby that day so cancelled it. My loss but I figure I can still try this recipe out one day. Here's the recipe from Will's Thai Cook book:

For rice:
1 cup glutinous (sticky) rice
1/2 cup thick coconut cream
4 tablespoons white sugar (or more to taste)
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Topping sauce:
4 tablespoons thick coconut cream
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white sugar
1 tablespoon corn flour dissolved in 4 tablespoons of cold water (my guess is corn flour is the same as corn starch)

1 large ripe sweet mango
1 teaspoon deep fried mung bean seeds or tasted sesame seeds.

1. Make the rice in a rice cooker.
2. Mix the sauce ingredients together and combine with the cooked rice.
3. Make the topping by mixing the salt, sugar, coconut cream and corn flour mixture in saucepan and heating on medium until the sauce thickens
4. Peel mango and slice into 12 pieces discarding the stone. Arrange on plates with the rice and dribble sauce on top and then sprinkle with seeds.

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