Saturday, December 1, 2012

Trang's Brownie Recipe

It's funny how some things come full circle. Years ago I worked on an IT project with some folks who went their separate ways as the project wound down. The IT world is small though and somehow some of us all came together again, this time in operational positions.

Two of the girls I worked with, Trang and Victoria, now work with me and Victoria is home of many of the recent recipes I've posted. When I gushed about a brownie recipe, she reminded me that Trang had one of the best. I scratched my head. I couldn't remember this. She said Trang had brought it in once and our PM, who usually never eats sweets, couldn't stop. So I asked Trang for the recipe and here it is! I can't wait to try it out. She says it's a "Best of Bridge" recipe.

Fantastic Fudge Brownies
1 cup butter (=250 ml)
2 cups sugar ( = 500 ml)
1/4 cup cocoa powder (= 60ml)
4 eggs, beaten
1 tsp, vanilla (= 5 ml)
1 cup flour (250 ml)
1 cup chopped walnuts of pecans (250 ml)

2 cups icing sugar (500 ml)
2 tbsp butter (30 ml)
2 tbsp cocoa powder (30ml)
2 tbsp boiling water (30ml)
2 tsp vanilla (10 ml)

To make brownies: cream together butter, sugar and cocoa powder. Mix in beaten eggs and vanilla. Add flour and stir. Fold in nuts. Bake in a greased 9x13" pan at 350 for 40-45 minutes. Top will appear to be underdone (falls in middle) but don't overcook. Should be moist and chewy.

To make icing: beat all ingredients together while brownies are baking. Pour on top as soon as brownies come out of oven. it will melt into a shiny glaze.

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