Friday, January 25, 2008

Almond Butter

Several of the girls at work have recently bought "almond butter". Ingredients? Roasted almonds. That's it. So many of them raved about how delicious and healthy it was so during a recent trip to costco, I picked some up. Of course, it no pansy small jar. It's a huge honkin Coscto-sized jar of Almond Butter!

Tried it on a cracker. Nyeh.
Tried it on an apple. Nyeh nyeh.

I'm just not taking to the taste which is blank or the texture which is really sticky. In fact, since it's somewhat liquidy you end up putting it on top of whatever you're eating it on before putting it in your mouth so inevitably the gooeyness ends up all over the roof of your mouth so you're smacking your tongue to try and dislodge it. Not for me, thanks.

Rating: 2 out of 10
Eat it again? Maybe. But so far I've left it in the work fridge with a sticky note that says "Penelope's almond butter. HELP YOURSELF!".
Maybe I'll bring in some celery sticks and try it on that next time.

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