Monday, January 14, 2008

Couscous with garlic, onions and pepper

For the past week I've been struggling with whether to do a cleanse or not. A woman in the office suggested the 'Wild Rose' one but the last time I tried that, I ended up puking all the pills and tonic up. Maybe it's because my insides are just that dirty, but I figure there have got to be easier ways to clean my pipes. And no, that wasn't suppose to sound dirty

The associated Wild Rose D-Tox diet consists of cutting down significantly on meat, no fermented foods, no dairy, no sugars, no soy products, etc. Today almost being Day 1, I decided to do something with couscous.

Couscous has got to be the easiest thing to make. EVER. I only discovered it last week when I directed Mela to make it for the girls night. Since I couldn't have mushrooms (fungus), I looked in the fridge to see what else I could toss together with couscous. Here's what I whipped up:

1/2 cup couscous
slightly more than 1/2 cup hot boiled water
two slices of red onion
2 cloves of garlic, minced
three slices of green peppers (diced)
salt and pepper to taste.

I know, I know. lots of cleanses say NO SALT while cleansing, but that's just Bullshit. I mean, who can eat vegetables without Salt?! Gross.

Anyway, tossed it all except the boiled water into a ziploc container, then added the 1/2 cup of boiled water (then a little more so the vegetables could absorb it a little) and then took it to work. When i was ready for lunch, nuked it for 30 seconds and voila! Mmmmm hmmm. Yummy! I used the Bragg fake soy sauce that I'm "allowed" to use and it was so good. Filling too!

Unfortunately, further research has shown that couscous is actually small granules of pasta so no more of that for me. But it was a nice thought while it lasted. Maybe after I finish my cleanse I'll add it to my regular, healthier diet.

Rating out of 10: 7.5

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