Sunday, January 13, 2008

Herb Crusted Salmon

With Ali's allergy to tomatoes and dislike to chicken and Andrea's dislike to beef, I decided to serve salmon at the party. I didn't really want to use the BBQ because it was so cold outside so I looked for those recipes I could do either in the oven or on the oven element. I found this recipe on the Internet:

Herb-Crusted Salmon
1/4 cup dried basil
1/4 cup dried thyme
1/4 cup dried oregano
1 teaspoon rosemary crumbled
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt

I didn't have all the oregano I needed (probably 1/8 of a cup) so I substituted parsley. I mixed all those ingredients, took one of the huge filets that I bought from Costco and sprinkled it all over and tossed it in the oven which had preheated itself to 400F.

I can't remember how long I left it in there for. I was suppose to leave it for 8 to 10 minutes but well, you know how these things get. I was directing someone how to make sangria and then I was drinking sangria and answering the door so the salmon got lost in there somewhere until I yelled, "Shit! the Salmon!" and checked on it. Thankfully, the herbs must have slowed down the cooking process because it still wasn't done. But I did notice it was a bit dry and slapped for my forehead and exclaimed, "Shit! The oil!". So I took it out, and tossed a little olive oil on top. The instructions say "brush with oil" but how on earth they do that and not have a gummy herb mixture on the salmon is beyond me. Anyway, threw that on and went about the other dishes.

Once it was out, Tricia helped me make the sauce. Here are the ingredients for that:
1 cup dry white whine
4 sun dried tomatoes, drained
1 tablespoon lemon juice fresh
1 each shallot finely chopped
4 ounces margarine.

Again, we kind of cheated. The sun dried tomatoes were from the jar I bought from Costco and I didn't pick out just four, I just took a tablespoon. I have no idea if I actually put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice either - I just took half a lemon and used the rinder. Finally, I have no idea what shallots are - I think they're small little onions but I just used half a cooking onion and minced that instead. And by the time we needed the margarine, I couldn't find it in the fridge so we used butter and eyeballed 4 ounces.

The directions say:
"In a skillet combine the wine, tomatoes, lemon juice and shallot and boil the mixture until the liquid is reduced to about 2 tablespoons. Reduce the heat to moderately low and whisk in the butter, 1 bit at a time, lifting the skillet from the heat occasionally to let the mixture cool and adding each new bit before the previous one has melted completely. Sauce should be the consistency of thin hollandaise. "

Let me tell you: It was NOT the consistency of thin hollandaise. It was a lumpy mixture of tomato and onion. But it was good so we threw on the salmon and ate it anyway.

I think the salmon was a bit too dry and WAY too herb-y. A lot of the other recipes I read mentioned adding bread crumbs and this had none. Andrea thought it was good but again, thought it was too herby. Nica loved it even though he hates salmon. So mixed reviews. No one else complained and I didn't see any leftovers on their plate.

Would I make it again? Probably not.
Score: 6 out of 10.

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