Sunday, January 13, 2008

Garlic Mushroom CousCous

I was busy trying to put the herb salmon recipe together (see last post) so I asked Mela if she could help me make the Garlic mushroom couscous. I decided on this one because it seemed healthy and I love garlic and mushroom. I didn't want too much onion in the food since it leaves such a strong after-breath.

I'm pretty sure she followed the directions to a T, so here it is:
1 1/4 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup couscous
1/3 cup chopped mushrooms
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp shredded parmesan cheese or soy "parmesan" shreds

1. Bring broth to a boil in sauce pan or microwavable dish. Remove from heat.
2. Add couscous, mushrooms, and garlic. Mix well.
3. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes
4. Stir and fluff couscous mixture
5. Top with cheese before serving.

Yes, it was *that* easy. Now for the bumps we hit along the way: Mela accidentally opened cream of chicken soup instead of the chicken broth. No biggie, but now I have to find a recipe that uses that since it's just sitting in a container in the fridge. We didn't have real parm cheese so I used the fake KRAFT Parm cheese. Not quite the same, but the results were delicious! It sat for a while before we ate (we were waiting for the salmon and garlic bread) so it was kinda cold but I imagine it would have been better if we could have eaten it immediately.

Would I make it again? Rather would I make it myself again? Definitely. But I would leave it until 5 minutes before everything else was made since it was so simple and quick.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

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